Monday, August 14, 2006


So remember Census Night ?

& Ping getting all protest-y on the Census form?
Well my sister, the midwife, sent Ping a census bebe T-shirt (only bebes born just before Census night can have one you see, as they "just made the count" tee hee).

This was to be some form of compensation for Ping, to make up for not being counted as an official "person" of the Brown Mouse household.
So, cute, so tiny, we simply couldn't resist - gawd help us - we put it on her!

Ping did not appreciate the joke. (Actually she took it pretty well, it was just getting her to stay still for photies that was the killer.)
Look at that face, so CROSS - we are going to burn in the fiery pits of hell for all eternity for this one, I just know it.

Shit, I've just realised something terrible. Mr Brown & I, we've become one of (two of) those people, those people who put things on cats!

Hilarious! Pingu - you look gorgeous, very fetching in your new T. The stuffonmycat site is an absolute cack and I laughed so much at the cat with his party hat on i nearly fell into the keyboard.
Mr Brown is very concerned that we don't become Mad Cat People, they kind who dress up their pets - I think it may be too late.
Oh I am so sorry Pingu...It is possibly all my fault, but it seemed like a good idea at the time.
Aunty Midwife!!!!!! helloooo
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