Sunday, May 14, 2006


Getting ready for outside time

With the help of Mr Brown.
The third shot of this series, the one of Ping going out the door, failed, due to a combination of too-slow-with-the-camera human and a moves-like-greased-lightening Ping.

Dear Ping,

Oooo, is that a cute little harness you have on? Where did you go on your outside adventures?

If I could, I would send you a squirrel to play with, but I don't think the human customs people would allow it. Also, I don't think squirrels can sleep for 14 hours on planes very successfully.

Is there anything you would like instead?

Love from
Aunty CAW
It is indeed a harness - those bloody humans won't let me go outside without one on - it makes me easier to catch come inside time - they are sooooo cruel to me. I'm only allowed in the backyard, I get grabbed and hauled back everytime I make a daring dash for over the fence or through the gate - bastards!
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